On June 14th 2019, Boniti hosted an open event at their Shaftesbury showroom. 
We were thrilled with the turn out- thank you to everyone who took the time to come down and meet us. 
It was a great opportunity to meet local people and business owners and share with them who Boniti are and what we can offer. 
We had a live cooking demonstration by Graham, Sales Director of Everhot, who made bacon sandwiches, roast chicken and some very delicious brownies! 
One of our attendees had never had a brownie before, and it’s safe to say that she will be using her new Everhot to make many more. 
If you weren’t able to attend the event but would still like to visit our Shaftesbury Showroom, give us a call on 01747 811141 or email shaftesbury@boniti.com 
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